Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Transferring Vs. Leveling another character in World of Warcraft, your thoughts?

In one of my post I was explaining why I wanted to start on another server guess I need to write it here again. Was planning to pay for the server transfer of my Druid or Shammy to Stormrage, why that server? Because Scarlet Crusade is a RP server and is almost dead, is not the same it used to be when I started and before I quit after Cataclysm 3 month of launch. Also my account was hacked too during my absence and half of the guild bank stuff was lost thanks to that hacker. Half of our friends and family have quit to play other games or server transferred, etc.
So I felt alone too and the activity on raiding/PvP is lacking for me on SC, so I recently started to level my Druid up to lvl 39 until I recruited a friend that granted me to reach lvl 50. He said why I wanted to make clones of my same toons from Scarlet Crusade on Stormrage or have both geared up, I said to him that I played Alliance side for almost 5 years since I started on 2008, my hubby always had played Ally a lot more than before I joined. So I decided to lvl with him with our Blood Elves Monks up to 90 then save some gold to get them heirlooms, but he said after we're done with RaF program he's transferring to Scarlet Crusade for Ally side and Ravencrest for Horde side. I picked up Stormrage for Ally and to be my 2nd main server besides Scarlet Crusade and Area 52 to lvl a Horde character up to 90.
Paying $32 every 2 month to play and $25 for transfer is hard, so why not leveling a toon up to max level? I know sometimes we consider the server transfer because we spend a lot of time for those characters getting stuff for them like transmorg and other items that are hard to get these days. I farmed and paid a lot of gold to get my Shammy's Engraved set with and the lvl 70 PvP Cataclysm set, my Pally's half Tier13 with some pieces from Sun Well and the 3 Dragon Soul dungeons, my Druid's ilvl 245 pieces with the Tier9 including Merciles Gladiator and one of the pieces from the Lich King pre-launch event, my Priest's Zul'Aman half set and the Tier10 set, I know I'll get those items again later on. Titles, pets and mounts are account wide now, why do we have to pay so much for a server transfer? I heard someone Rift gives every week a free server transfer to any server you liked to be I never liked Rift and I had played it before, but never knew about their transferring services, if Rift can do that why Blizzard Inc. can't? They can't be bankrupted after still having 10 million subs and gaining  a lot of money from Diablo III (there's a Diablo IV expack underdevelopment or incoming?). I always have liked so much Alliance for Night Elf and Draenei so I kind of person who likes to be with the good guys or the pretty stuff, the Horde race I like most is Tauren, Panda and Blood Elf.<3
During testing MoP in the Public Test Realm, this bottoms appeared on each of my character, was hoping to see this bottoms in live, but since it only was beta we still have to pay for transfer. :/ Apologies if I don't have the screenshot since one of my PC drivers was mistakenly uninstalled by accident when my baby daughter touched one of my PC commands and lose almost everything. >_<
I would like to see your thoughts about this, I can provide too the conversation about it too. Thanks for your support and apologies for my messy posts. \(>w<U)/

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Changed my blog's URL name

Hello! Recently I made a blog in Tumblr for my Druid and alts to post mostly screenshots, new transmog sets, work in progress or finished WoW chibis/drawings and many other things in between, here's the address http://lumis-sketchblog.tumblr.com/ . Sakura*Sweet*Cherry is my 5 year old art tag name and is my username in DeviantART including my art blog in Tumblr have the name with "Art" added to the URL address, wanted to have name that could fit for a WoW log besides sometimes I'll add some of my random artworks here. Lumi's is the short name of my Druids' name Luminar and Luminaris (love their names so much!<3)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

:D My Druid reached lvl 90! Which toon I should level next?

>w< My apologies for my late update guys! Yeah, after the 7 day trial Blizzard sent expired on the day of my 26th birthday in September 14th in the same day I decided finally to use the Time Card to activated my account again and attempt my goal of getting the "Destroyer's End" title before MoP, after getting my goal fulfilled I could do a few things with my alts and started leveling step by step my NElf Druid on Stormrage's server, but I'll write a post about what things I did before Cataclysm ended on September 25. While players where desperate to reach lvl 90 on the same day MoP launched, I took my time and relaxed myself to enjoy the new things on Pandaria while leveling my Druid, Luminar reached lvl 90 on October 4 and got exalted with "The Lorewalkers" too, I'm happy with the flying disc cloud mount including get exalted with the Pandaren's faction to buy all of their turtle mounts! :D I like better this expansion than Cataclysm, more fun and entertaining plus the mounts, pets and new gear styles are fantastic, the only ones I like most is the mail set from normal/heroics and the cloth set from Tailoring, epic reputation gear and normal/heroics.

I'm still pretty sad that my hubby don't play this expansion with me because he says the new talent tree system sucks and he prefers the old one instead so he keeps playing Lich King private server and complains how boring is the server now because during the evenings he finds some noobs in raids and sometimes he says silly things to me because I'm playing a crappy new WoW retail, really a crappy new WoW retail right? He gets so amazed about the things Pandaria has that he almost said he wants to play again. -_- Who really can understand him? I know some day he will be back! I still love WoW and it doesn't matter which videogame or MMORPG game I'll play I still gonna play WoW while it last. I'll mention later where I got my Druid's spec and how to understand the new talent tree system. ;) Stay tuned for those sites addresses!

I'm using NPC Scan from Curse's site since MoP launched and I'd encountered a lot of rares besides Sha of Anger and Galleon (both are world bosses with a gray dragon frame) thanks to that addon, but the sad part is the drops are Binds when Pick up. -_-* These rares hits like trucks and my druid including the rare both died together. Lol!
Anyway, I'll post what things happened after my official return to WoW. Now I'm still insecure which toon I should level next, my lvl 85 holy pally has jewelcrafting and enchanting so I want to get the mounts to make some gold, my lvl 85 pally tank has mining and engineering I want with her and my lvl 85 frost mage the engineering new mounts too, my lvl 85 elemental shammy has herbalism with alchemy, my lvl 85 shadow priest has tailoring with enchanting and my lvl 82 fury warrior still need to lvl mining and blacksmith xD, my server action house prices are horrible to get them gear while leveling or reaching lvl 90! Let's see which one will become my 2nd lvl 90. I read a few comments/posts about players complaining how horrible are the dailies, seriously I'm doing it to get the new mounts and some epic gear step by step including the leatherworking epic recipes, rushing things is not the best option, I want the Chinese epic cloth set for my shadow priest so bad!!! Well, until next time and remember try to have fun in WoW instead of complaining on everything if you've a right choice of doing things without rush ingame, there's still Pandaria for who knows what long it will last! Bye, bye! :D

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Druid's Old Chibi Drawing xD

After 3Yrs for the old drawing being fixed, finally today I finished coloring her, the only thing I fixed was the lineart and her eyes. Almost 5Yrs playing on the same sever and with Luminar with this illustration when she was lvl 61 during The Burning Crusade days, I say good bye to Scarlet Crusade (US), my new server home is Stormrage (US) with a Feral Druid named Luminaries the old name I thought first when I joined WoW. xD

Friday, August 31, 2012

My reasons to be back to WoW?

One of the pics I've still on DeviantART because I deleted WoW from my PC by mistake. /facepalm
As I wrote in my About Me section that I quit WoW Cataclysm after 3 month of launch because my hubby got upset on the talent tree changes and the nerfs to Holy/Retri Paladin and in my case Moonkin spec where so horrible, I never liked to play WoW alone so our family and friends half of them quit too before us. My hubby stated that the changes to the game where perfect to make it into phase like Northrend's instead of applying it all on Azeroth so new players could see what happened before and after the shattering effect. I returned back a few times by 2 trial invites in one of the patches where transmorg was introduced to the game, my account got hacked during my inactivity to play WoW including the birth of my daughter and Blizzard after solving it they gave 1 month of play time, then my brother-in-law sent me the Scroll of Resurrection and tested again my Moonkin for my surprise her DPS was better than before and wanted to be back, but I couldn't do it on time Dragon Soul because I took for so long getting geared up before the 7 days expired maybe another time I'll try it out once I start playing on other server. I'd tried with my hubby and his brother a few MMOs like Lord of the Rings, Allods Online (better cartoonist graphics than WoW), Runes of Magic, Ether Saga, Forsaken World, Jade Dynasty, War Hammer, Conan, Skyrim PC (I know is not a MMO, but w/e), Aion and Tera Online (beautiful race, world and graphics, but the graphics are little bit heavy for my 2009 PC, I'll play it again once it becomes "Free to Play". Yes, I'm tempted to try GW2 free trial in some moment, but not now also RaiderZ and ArcheAge. You can check the games I mentioned above on MMORPG's site. Yes, besides WoW I'll play other games sometimes too when I get bored of WoW for one day. My hubby tried WoW Lich King private servers and all of them are pretty bad bugged except for one, I got tired of Lich King servers so I decided to play a Cataclysm and the same thin bugged to no end. That's the main reason too why I'm going to return to WoW retail because bugs are fixed everyday and weeks.

Anyway, the reasons why I want to be back to WoW is because I spent a lot of money and time to just leave it behind where it is. Not only because I spent money and time is because I miss so much my Night Elf Druid, Luminar, sadly once I'm back to the game I'll be not be playing on Scarlet Crusade (US) server where she's since I explained to my hubby we should start playing on Stormrage (US) server since is more populated than our main server since the game has changed too and my account was hacked, I think is better to start all over again thanks to Blizzard in making the mounts and pets including some achievements account wide. I started to watch on Summer of this year "Sword Art Online", SAO is an anime about a MMO where everyone got trapped in game through their sub consciousness and in order to be back to their world they must clear the entire game, but if they die in the game they die in real life they can't even take off the helmet without finishing the game as the Game Master had explained them since the game started. Well, the anime is still outgoing and "Accel World" is from the same creator of SAO, it reminds the good old days when I PvPed a lot during Burning Crusade where I got my Tiger PvP mount and half of Merciless (T5 look) set, I'll do PvP again once I'd reached lvl 90 on Stormrage server for the set collections and fun too. Each time I watch SAO's episode it gives me the desire to be back to play WoW and make chibis illustrations for my favorite race like Night Elf, Draenei, Blood Elf, Gnome, Dwarf and Tauren... maybe Pandaren too, but not sure because I want a Night Elf Monk.<3 Once I'm back to WoW I'll post it here, so you can play with me in some moment in the new server if you like, I reserved my toons names in the trial account in my main account. See ya on MoP on Sept. 25!!! :D

Sorry if I deleted the post related to this, but it was a long wall of text so I tried to make it a little bit short.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Anipan New Art Community!

:D Here's my Anipan ID #6595 using the same old account name from here, let's stalk each other like we do here. hahaha :lmao:

Yeah, as you can see I joined too the madness of Anipan on it's release yesterday and you're maybe wondering what is about. Anipan is an art community like DeviantART and Pixiv at the moment is on beta test before it's full release on September if I'm not wrong, there are few people from here that hates the site and I don't like the too plain layout like Manga Bullet and here (another art community besides DeviantART where Anipan campaign started everything from there), but it still have a few bugs and I know it will be better later on.

I'm not going to abandon this site and my account, I want to do the same thing I did with my Manga Bullet account just post my chibis drawings, anime drawings and manga pages, etc, here I can show my photos, screenshots from World of Warcraft including WoW art too and random art besides chibis stuff, etc. Like I'd said a multiple times that I post my finished art too on Tumblr, cosplays, events and art in progress, etc.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

My Old World of Warcraft Art

During The Burning Crusade, I wanted drew so much my Druid, Luminar, and my hubby's Paladin, Cangri, but never finished coloring it because I was still bad coloring using Photoshop and using the wrong tools that always took me time to finish. I think I finished later or make a new drawing for them again better than this one.
During Wrath of the Lich King, I remembered when I was leveling my Night Elf Druid, Luminar, and how I liked so much her The Burning Crusade gear she was wearing during that time and never finish it because coloring it on Photoshop takes a lot of time coloring because I only knew to use Dodge, Burn and Sponge tools to make the "effects" of light and shading. Since now I'm coloring better using Photoshop CS6 thanks to a tutorial in Spanish I found in YouTube that I could manage to learn the trick right away since I know the program in English. I'll update the lineart and color it while I do that I'm going to get the set and make her wear it again once I'm back to WoWs new MoP expansion. I'm glad that Blizzard had made possible Transmogrification to change the character's gear and make them unique, the meaning reasons to make different styles and drawings. I miss so much my Druid and can' wait to be back playing with her! :D
My hubby wanted to try the Latin American server, Quel'Thalas, where his father and brother where playing with his Human Paladin, Samsom and I made my Draenei Death Knight, Jessibelle, to help him during leveling his Pally and I to reach level 80 to get heirlooms for my alts, but we ended up being back on Scarlet Crusade server again. xD This is another drawing I'll update too.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

About Me {English Version} & Sobre Mi {Versión Español}~♥

This is me.
Me with my three loves.

My name is Annie Linnette, I'm 26yrs old and I live in Puerto Rico. I may not look like a model or be one, but I'm sweeter. I enjoy the small things in life and I try not to complain about much depending the situation. I'm pretty much random at some point. I love drawing and play MMO games I also play videogames including old school games and my whole ideal is drawing Chibis and other stuff lol. I speak 2 simple languages, English and the official language Spanish, and enjoy them very much, but I would like to learn other languages besides the ones I already know. I'm simple yet complicated, but then again I'm a girl (lmao). I love to spend time with my friends, family, my little son, my baby daughter and my husband of course. I don't follow social standards like others do, I follow my own path and style that's why a few people hates me. :P I like honest people, if you're not honest with me then go away and be happy ^_^. I'm cool, shy, funny, happy, realistic, weird, random and don't act my age sometimes (as usual). Art is my hobby and addiction plus doing commissions, drawings for my friends and for my own personal use. My only 3 love ones for me is my husband, our son and our daughter, I feel very proud to have them in my life. I love Anime and Manga a lot, and I also LOVE Chibis. Music is my life and inspiration for drawing so I'm always carrying my iPod with me when it comes to artwork. I consider everyone's honest opinion and style of life. I'm not racist. I dislike gossip and materialist people who thinks having lots of money are better than other people. I'm brutally honest and open to what people have to say in general and in some case I speak the true to the person when they don't listen or think they're totally right knowing they're doing it wrong depending the case. I enjoy others opinions besides mine... If you want to know more about me ASK cause I don't harm people's computers, unless you want me to harm your computer with a really BAD virus... joking ;). Enjoy my stuff. Comment me (I always comment back). I would prefer you send me COMMENTS cause I rarely reply to my INBOX messages. Enjoy your day! ^_^
*Spanish Version / Versión Español:
Mi nombre es Annie Linnette, tengo 25 años de edad y vivo Puerto Rico. No me veo como una modelo o serlo, pero soy dulce. Disfruto de las pequeñas cosas de la vida y trato de no quejarme mucho dependiendo la situación. Soy como que un poquito aleatoria en algún punto. Me gusta dibujar diferentes cosas y jugar juegos multijugadores en línea incluyendo videojuegos y mi ideal es dibujar chibis (caricaturas Japonesas o como bien se conocen el anime) entre otras cosas más (jejeje). Hablo dos simple idiomas, Inglés y mi idioma oficial el Español. Rara a la vez tiendo a ser un poco complicada, pero pues soy una chica (jajaja). Adoro pasar la mitad de mi tiempo con mis amistades, familiares, mis hijos y mi esposo. Yo no sigo los estándares sociales como otros hacen, yo tengo mi propio camino y estilo, por eso algunas personas tienden a odiar uno por esa razón :P. Me gusta que las personas sean honestas conmigo, pero sino eres uno de ellos, mejore vete y que seas feliz ^_^. Soy chévere, tímida, divertida, alegre, realista, extraña, aleatoria y a veces no actuó ser de mi edad (como siempre). Mi arte es mi pasa tiempo favorito haciendo comisiones, dibujos a mis amistades y para mi uso personal. Mis tres únicos amores en la vida son mi esposo, nuestro hijo y nuestra hija, me siento feliz de tenerlos en mi vida. Me gusta ver anime y leer manga muchísimo, y además AMO los chibis (son los dibujos Japoneses más adorables). La música es mi vida y mi inspiración para dibujar por eso ando con mi iPod cuando se trata de dibujar algo nuevo o seguir trabajando en algún proyecto. Mi iPod tiene una variedad de música que disfruto escucharla y siempre buscando canciones nueva mas reciente e incluso las canciones viejas que haya escuchado. Me gusta salir y visitar muchos lugares ademés de visitar a la familia o a las amistades con mi esposo y mi hijo. Yo considero cada uno de las personas su honesta opinión y estilo de vida. NO soy racista. Odio los chismes y a la gente materialista que se cree que teniendo mucho dinero son mejores que lo demás. Soy brutalmente honesta y de mente abierta cuando las personas tienen algo que decir en general y en algunos casos tiendo a decirles la verdad a las personas cuando no escuchan porque piensan que están en lo correcto dependiendo el momento. Disfruto de las opiniones de las demás personas además de la mía propia… Si quieren saber más de mi, PREGUNTAME en confianza porque yo NO hago daño a las personas, al menos que desees que le envíe a tu computadora un VIRUS bien malo… jajaja, es solo una broma ;). Disfruten de la música. Dejen sus comentarios (yo les responderé). Si prefieren pueden enviarme un mensaje en privado. ¡Que tengan un buen día! ^_^