✧About Me✧

An artist's story and her gaming life
Hello everyone! My apologies if I haven't updated anything here since my last post on 2008, wasn't familiar yet to use WordPress or Blogger's stuff now I'm going step by step putting a few things. <(^_^)> Hope you enjoy my blog about my artworks and gaming experiences!!!<3 My full Biography besides art and gaming story.

Before I knew about anime's existence, I was trying to draw in Disney's Aladdin style and failed drawing it until I started to watch Anime on 1999 without knowing it when Pokémon, Samurai X, Dragonball series, Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon and a few other Anime series where broadcasted on Saturdays and Sundays mornings or in the evening weeks in the local TV in my country Puerto Rico... on 2005 I started to draw more Chibi than Anime style instead and I ended up making my own art  tag name "Sakura*Sweet*Cherry" now added "Art" and is my account name in DeviantART and art blog name in Tumblr. Besides drawing sometimes anime and drawing a lot of chibis as my beloved hobby I do random art too and practice sometimes existing art styles for Example: Scott Pilgrim, Bleach, Panty and Stoking, Adventure Time, Katanagatari and others.

 I'd always liked to draw since I was little until now I keep drawing, art is very fun, helps you get rid of stress and also helps you be creative. I'm a freelance artist doing random art like designing clothes, illustrations, storyboarding, publicity stuff, gift arts, fanarts, commissions, draw your character from any game for example "World of Warcraft (MMORPG)" or "Resident Evil (videogame console)" and others while taking care of my older son and my little daughter until they start school and I graduated on May 31, 2011 from Bachelor's degree on Painting and Graphic Arts before transferring where I graduated I studied Graphic Design with 3D Animation 2Hrs away from my hometown. If you want me to draw you something just check my art gallery in DeviantART, my art blog in Tumblr, anime/chibi/manga art in Anipan (still on beta test) 0r here for updates and art progression, also check my widgets or Contact Me to message me, if you're interested in my art send me a message in one of my sites with your information about your request and I'll start working on your request. Sometimes I can be slow doing things because I've a life, take breaks sometimes, housework duties, to eat, random works and dedicate my time to my hubby and our children including gaming. :D Check out my old and new Artworks!!!
When I was little the first gaming console I saw was Atari since my uncles liked so much to play with and there was times that I asked them to play Atari and never let me play it because I was too little for it. Then when during Nintendo and PS1 days, my mom brought me the Nintendo 64 console "Pikachu version", my uncle lied to me that he was going to give me the PS2 and instead gave me his PS1 -_- also I'd too Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance (I still have them!), my list of games where huge, but I stopped playing after I started University classes. My first MMO was Ragnarok Online and got addicted to buy outfits for my avatars on Gaia Online and made a few artworks for my avatars after meeting my hubby.

A few visits my hubby made to his father's house, he saw his brother and him playing World of Warcraft and he got very interested to play it since he was getting tire of PlayStation and brought WoW on July 2007. He said the game was fun and I watched him on weekends playing WoW when leveling was hard during The Burning Crusade times. He invited me to play WoW too, but I wasn't interested to play it since I was addicted to Ragnarok Online and Gaia Online. When he reached lvl 70, every night he went with a friends he made to do TBC heroics, I saw this cat fighting, he explained me those cats are Night Elves turned into them know as Druids with 3 different forms, I started to love so much Druid's forms and Shadow Priests then Paladin and Shaman. He said that I should leave behind Gaia Online and Ragnarok to join WoW to play together since those "games" didn't have anything to offer a real fun like WoW had and on my paycheck day I went to Game Stop to buy the classic version and The Burning Crusade expansion, installed the game and made my account on March 20, 2008. My main is a Night Elf Druid I created on March 21, 2008 at 2am, I named her Luminar on Scarlet Crusade US server, later on I made my Human Paladin Lacangri, Draenei Shaman Ibeliz, Draenei Priest Urania, Draenei Paladin Tasmia (I love so much Draeneis!), Gnome Mage Dianelis, Human Warlock Minalei, Worgen Warrior Kisaki (with Scroll of Resurrection my borther-in-law gave me I chose to make her reach lvl 80) all of my alts including my main are in the same guild "Come Get Some" after the raiding guild I get "the Kig Slayer" title disbanded after 3 months of Cataclysm was launched, Dwarf Hunter Buchi with her own guild "azeroths most wanted" a Warrior gave me randomly at Ironforge O_O?!. I played too on Quel'Thalas Lationamerican or better know as US server too with my Draenei Death Knight Jessibelle and my Druid Starlinah on Undermine US Server.

As you can see on the armory, I haven't been so actively lately playing because I quit after my hubby did because h didn't liked Cataclysm so much, some friends and family quit too because they didn't liked the changes Blizzard did to the game, we played Lich King on privates server and I got tired playing the same thing all over again and then I played on Cataclysm private servers, too buggy to begin with and not a lot of players wanted to raid because they wanted everything so easy or they where top geared to play with others who wanted to be like them. I got 2 trial invites and the Scroll of Resurrection, wasn't sure to be back to play WoW again. Geared up my Druid for Dragon Soul and time was so limited that I couldn't fulfill that dream to DS raid, now I'm saving money for MoP expansion and for the monthly time card. Really, I miss so much WoW at the moment that I even don't care the down hill Blizzard had made to the game and don't care if the game is too old, I know they will update the races just like they did with Jainna, Queen Azshara, High Priest Tyrande, Malorme Stormrage, etc. Can't see a true MMO to replace the love I still have for WoW and the desire to do drawings of my characters, they're fashion with transmorg and my adventures with them, etc. Allods Online is a good game and tempted me to draw my characters, but it killed me the mall part. So I'm going to finish the old drawings I made during TBC and start making news before MoP hits live servers. After MoP's launch, I'll start playing on Stormrage US Server since is the most populated PvE server and active on raiding including PvP I saw on the list of wowprogress.com's site, Scarlet Crusade is a RP server so weak on raiding and sometimes in PvP too the server looks pretty dead at the moment since the announcement of MoP, I never liked the players in Scarlet Crusade so rude, so damn annoying and too elitist jerks around when it comes to socialize, etc.

While thinking on my decision, I went to play with my hubby and his brother including our friends Runes of Magic, Ether Saga, Forsaken World, Jade Dynasty, Conan, Allods Online (almost exactly like WoW, but with better cartoonist graphics), The World of Need For Speed, League of Legends (didn't liked so much the camera's movements, the PvP stuff and too much ban for silly stuff like for example if your Internet goes down, a blackout or computer crashes, etc.) and Lord of the Rings Online until I got the beta invite to play Tera Online, amazing game play, was shock watching the character's weapons in action with magic on them and beautiful graphics, but the graphics where to heavy for my computer's processor from 2009 since I wasn't sure if the game where truly to be good or not I didn't wanted to make the upgrade to play it. Yes, I played Guilds of Wars 2 and like so much the Necromancer profession, but the price for the game is a killer right now for my budget and I'll wait for more reviews after it's launch to see if worth to buy it and wait to try out ArcheAge. While playing WoW again I'll be playing other MMOs until I find the replacement or just play others when I get bored to play too much WoW. I know people don't like the Pandaren race and they're forgetting that the game has Worgen and Tauren. So they said that MoP is for children to play? Since when playing with Gnomes where for childrens? -.- Is pretty annoying reading the repetitive hate comments on MMO sites, I got tired of this and is just a game that will entertain me on my stressful days or art blocks/breaks, etc. I'd spent a lot of money to WoW to just leave it behind. I enjoyed so much The Burning Crusade and Lich King expansion I wish I could had seen Vanilla before TBC, but is in the past now and I knew late about WoW's existence after it ended. Once I'm back to the game I'll add my new toons names here so you can play with me on Stormrage US server. :D See ya in game very soon!!!♥

;) Don't forget to check out my World of Warcraft old artworks and new ones too. Thanks for the kindly visit!♥

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