Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Anipan New Art Community!

:D Here's my Anipan ID #6595 using the same old account name from here, let's stalk each other like we do here. hahaha :lmao:

Yeah, as you can see I joined too the madness of Anipan on it's release yesterday and you're maybe wondering what is about. Anipan is an art community like DeviantART and Pixiv at the moment is on beta test before it's full release on September if I'm not wrong, there are few people from here that hates the site and I don't like the too plain layout like Manga Bullet and here (another art community besides DeviantART where Anipan campaign started everything from there), but it still have a few bugs and I know it will be better later on.

I'm not going to abandon this site and my account, I want to do the same thing I did with my Manga Bullet account just post my chibis drawings, anime drawings and manga pages, etc, here I can show my photos, screenshots from World of Warcraft including WoW art too and random art besides chibis stuff, etc. Like I'd said a multiple times that I post my finished art too on Tumblr, cosplays, events and art in progress, etc.

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