Saturday, March 16, 2013

My last WoW post… ;-;

Well, since yesterday and today I changed the theme and added a few things for the WoW players who visits this blog. Like I said a few days ago that I quit WoW on December 13, 2012 and I’m not planning to be back to WoW or who knows someday if the game returns to be like it was before the changes was made on Cataclysm and almost ruined with Pandaria, if you want to know more check “My WoW Characters” description or my sidebar description. WoW was fun while it lasted, but for me is not fun or challenging anymore, same copy paste again and again of some old content, too much little kids playing when it was supposed to be a adult MMO cause of the blood, violence, mild language and some alcohol, etc. :/
I’m very hooked with Tera Online because it has shiny decent graphics, the gear design is sexy and outrageous, the natural scenery is beautiful and the combat system is fresh and hard to handle. ;p I’m playing other MMO games like League of Legends, Ragnarok Online 2: The Legend of the Second, RaiderZ, Aion and others. I’m really gonna miss WoW after the 4 years I played, the many memories, the friends I met and enjoying drawing my Night Elf Druid and the Draenei Shaman, sad that I couldn’t lvl to 90 my Blood Elf Monk, but at the end I was already demotivated to keep playing. My hubby moved to play WoW: Cataclysm private server, our family moved to other videogames/MMO games including our friends.
I heard WoW went down to 6 million subscription and there are rumors that the next downfall is going to be 3 million subscription by the likes of it WoW maybe not will not reach to 10 years as Blizzard Inc. is hoping, the game is old and needs a new update to it’s graphic engine and stop paying attention to the crybabies including the unnecessary nerfs to the classes making it almost useless. So this is going to be my last post I do for this blog and feel free to visit at my Tera Blog:
Farewell WoW and happy hunting for those who keeps playing WoW. Sorry for my bad English here. xD See ya guys! ;’D

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