Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Official Retirement from WoW

After 4 years playing World of Warcraft with my hubby and our family and friends during Burning Crusade followed by Wrath of the Lich King then quit we quit during Cataclysm and I came back to test Mist of Pandaria, I decided to finally quit WoW to play Tera Online with my Castanic Priest, just not only to play Tera and other MMOs, is because WoW has lost it’s true fun, now everything is easy the game used to be hard and you always where praised by the people who where having fun and working to get their own stuff without ninja it or drama over silly things. I still miss it, but wow just wasn’t giving me what I wanted from gaming anymore. My Night Elf Druid, Luminar, will always be my favorite character I’ve ever played and she will always be in my heart. I’m going to leave inactive my WoW blog: and this blog too.

WoW used to have 12 millions subscribes, but last time I heard it went down to 7 millions of subscribers, why? Is because Blizzard decided yo kill the game with copy pasted old modified content, Cataclysm should had been a phased new area so people could see what happened before the shattering to follow the lore progression. The talent tree system disappeared from the game, some few helpful abilities got removed from each class when Pandaria launched, the class used to be unique and different from others now they share almost the same benefit, the game was hard, leveling was hard, classes get too much nerfs from people complaints who can’t play with their own class because x class was too overpowered that their x class, Blizzard instead of making and keeping the game fun is focusing  a lot on money and the crybabies, you needed to group with other people to complete a group quest and success as a teammate in a heroic or raid.

My hubby keeps playing WoW: Cataclysm in a private server, our family and friends moved to play other games and for me I moved to play Tera Online, Ragnarok Online 2 (I think is on beta test for NA), League of Legends, DOTA2, Lineage 2, RaiderZ and other games waiting to try Guild Wars 2, Elders Scrolls, ArcheAge and may be Stars Wars. WoW graphic engine is very outdated and I prefer Tera’s graphic and the gear design is beautiful including the environment, I like so much the combat system.<3 Yeah, as people will say Tera is pretty and shiny and I’m loving it, some of few of my friends started to play Tera too. Also I started recently to work on my Castanic Priest’s drawing. :D I made a Tera Blog for her too: and So this is my farewell for World of Warcraft, thank you for the memories and fun I’d!!!  ;-;

This is what I wrote in Tumblr a few days ago. :O

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